I don’t like controversy. I avoid it. There was so much of it in my home as a kid that I shy away from it now.
But, this one issue I feel so strongly about I must speak out on. Abortion is MURDER. There is ALWAYS another way.
With the recent decision by New York to legalize an abortion up to birth, I had to share my story again with you to let you know that it is NEVER the right choice.
Choosing abortion on the back of convenience is a sin. Whether the baby has Down’s Syndrome, or you think that you can’t afford to care for a baby, or you were raped. These are all tough things I know. But, ending a life out of your own choice because you think somehow it might make your life easier, I can promise you it won’t. There are other options available like adoption.
Sure God gives us free will to choose, but we can choose wisely in accordance with His will. Murdering is a sin even in the womb. And it is your very own child’s life who already has a spirit given to them by God. Sin always has negative consequences.
Believe me, I KNOW!!! Because I chose this path when I was young and in college. Since then, my choice to abort had defined my life. I lived in constant regret full of guilt for over twenty years. I suffered from depression over and over again. It plagued me. I couldn’t move forward emotionally. I was stuck in my sin. Abortion was NOT the right choice. And, It’s not the right choice for you either.
No free choice you are given should ever be greater than choosing whether a baby dies or lives.
I have written numerous other blogs that are more detailed about my choice to abort my baby that can also be found on my website, “Hope and Healing After an Abortion” and “Understanding God’s Forgiveness.” I encourage you to read them.
I beg you to reconsider if you are thinking about an abortion. Go to a clinic that allows you to listen to your baby’s heartbeat. Then you will know that your child is alive and has already been given a spirit by God.
God is the maker and giver of life. We know this because he told Jeremiah that “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;…” (Jeramiah 1:5).
Everything began to change for me in 2012 when God saved me. He gave me some scripture that showed me that my sins were forgiven and now I was “white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).
Christ showed me that my sins had been left on the cross with Jesus when He gave up his own life for my sins. As Jesus hung from the cross, He took his last taste of spoiled whine and said, “it is finished” (John 19:30) and then He died.
Through these scriptures, I understood that I was forgiven and began the process of moving forward with my life and aligning it with God’s path. I was finally able to forgive myself.
Since then, I have been blessed by a wonderful marriage, two step children, a grandson, a wonderful church family, no more regret, a feeling of freedom, and so many more things and people that I cannot begin to count them.
However, I do count my blessings. As God has said to number our days, I pray each day and thank God for His many blessings. One of which is to write my blog and share my story about abortion with you. God has turned my pain into a blessing.
Sure, when I think about having the abortion it is still very painful, but I don’t walk around with the guilt hanging around my neck like an albatross.
I don’t want this guilt for you either, so once again I beg you if you are thinking about an abortion, don’t do it. There’s always another way and God will provide for you.
Many Blessings,